Source code for quantarhei.qm.oscillators.ho

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Quantarhei package (

    ho (harmonic oscillator) module

import numpy

from ...core.saveable import Saveable
from ...core.dfunction import DFunction
from ... import COMPLEX
from ... import REAL

[docs]class fcstorage(Saveable): """FC factor look-up class Once Frank-Condon factors for some value of the shift are calculated they can be stored here, and retrieved when needed again """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ self._shifts = [] self._fcs = []
[docs] def lookup(self,shift): """ Returns true if the FC factors for a given shift are available """ if self._shifts.count(shift) > 0: return True return False
[docs] def index(self,shift): """ Returns an index of the FC factors with a given shift """ return self._shifts.index(shift)
[docs] def add(self,shift,fcmatrix): """ Adds the matrix of FC factors to the storage """ self._shifts.append(shift) self._fcs.append(fcmatrix)
[docs] def get(self,ii): """ Returns a stored FC matrix """ return self._fcs[ii]
[docs]class operator_factory(Saveable): """Class providing useful operators Creation and anihilation operators """ def __init__(self, N=100): # we choose a number of state # to represent all operators self.N = N def anihilation_operator(self): N = self.N aa = numpy.zeros((N,N),dtype=REAL) # matrix N x N full of zeros for ng in range(N): for mg in range(N): if ng == mg - 1: aa[ng,mg] = numpy.sqrt(numpy.real(mg)) return aa def creation_operator(self): N = self.N ad = numpy.zeros((N,N),dtype=REAL) for ng in range(N): for mg in range(N): if ng == mg + 1: ad[ng,mg] = numpy.sqrt(numpy.real(mg+1)) return ad
[docs] def shift_operator(self,dd_): """Calculates the Shift Operator based on the size N_ of the basis of states and the shift dd_. The shift operator is defined as .. math:: D_{\\alpha} = e^{-\\alpha \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial Q}} where :math:`Q` is the dimensionless coordinate of the Harmonic oscillator with Hamiltonian .. math:: H = \\frac{\\hbar\\omega}{2}\\left(P^2 + Q^2\\right). In this definition, the shift operator acts on a statevector :math:`\\psi(Q)` in :math:`Q`-representation is such a way that it shifts it by the value :math:`\\alpha` along the its coordinate :math:`Q`, i.e. .. math:: D_{\\alpha}\\psi(Q) = \\psi(Q-\\alpha). This definition is consistent with the definition of a shift operator as defined in Wikipedia (look for shift operator). It shifts the function to the right along the coordite :math:`Q` axis (unlike in the definition in Wikipedia - this seems to be more natural for physicists.) The dimensionless coordite :math:`Q` and dimensionless momentum :math:`P` are related to creation and annihilation operators as .. math:: a = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}\\left(Q+iP\\right) .. math:: a^{\\dagger} = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}\\left(Q-iP\\right) .. math:: Q = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}\\left(a + a^{\\dagger}\\right) .. math:: P = \\frac{1}{i\\sqrt{2}}\\left(a-a^{\\dagger}\\right). With these definitions we have .. math:: H = \\hbar\\omega\\left(a^{\\dagger}a + \\frac{1}{2}\\right) As we have :math:`P=-i\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial Q}`, the shift operator reads as .. math:: D_{\\alpha} = e^{-i\\alpha P} = e^{-\\frac{\\alpha}{\sqrt{2}}\\left(a-a^{\\dagger}\\right)} The operator can be generalized for complex values of :math:`\\alpha` to read .. math:: D_{\\alpha} = e^{\\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\\left(\\alpha a^{\\dagger}-\\alpha^{*}a\\right)}, where :math:`*` represents complex conjugation. This is the definition implemented in Quantarhei. The definition differs by the factor of :math:`\\sqrt{2}` from what is usually used in literature, but for applications in molecular physics, this definition seems to be more reasonable. """ N_ = self.N aa = self.anihilation_operator() ad = self.creation_operator() # construct the Shift Operator Dd_large = numpy.zeros((N_,N_),dtype=COMPLEX) Dd_large = (dd_*ad-numpy.conj(dd_)*aa)/numpy.sqrt(2.0) # Diagonalize and obtain transformation matrix A,S = numpy.linalg.eig(Dd_large) S1 = numpy.linalg.inv(S) # Exponentiate Dd_large = numpy.diag(numpy.exp(A)) # Transform back and reduce to the lower number of states return,,S1))
def unity_operator(self): ones = numpy.ones(self.N, dtype=REAL) ret = numpy.diag(ones) return ret
[docs]class qrepresentation: """Coordinate representation of the HO wavefunctions """ def __init__(self, qaxis): self.qaxis = qaxis self.ho_eigenfce_generated = False
[docs] def generate_ho_eigenfunctions(self): """Generated q-representation of HO eigenfunctions """ self.ho_eigenfce_generated = True
[docs] def get_ho_eigenfunction(self, N): """Returns q-representation of HO eigenfunction """ if self.ho_eigenfce_generated: pass else: raise Exception("HO Eigenfunctions must be generated first")
[docs] def get_ho_ground_state(self): """Returns the ground state wavefunction of the Harmonic oscillator """ data = numpy.exp(-(**2)/2)\ /numpy.sqrt(numpy.sqrt(numpy.pi)) psi0 = DFunction(x=self.qaxis, y=data) return psi0
[docs] def get_coherent_state(self, alpha): """Returns q-representation of a coherent state with a given alpha """ ar = numpy.real(alpha) ai = numpy.imag(alpha) sq2 = numpy.sqrt(2.0) q = data = numpy.exp(-((q+sq2*ar)**2)/2)*\ numpy.exp(-1j*ar*ai + 1j*sq2*ai*q)\ /numpy.sqrt(numpy.sqrt(numpy.pi)) psi_alpha = DFunction(x=self.qaxis, y=data) return psi_alpha
[docs] def get_probability_distribution(self, wfce): """Returns probability distribution for a given wavefunction """ return DFunction(x=wfce.axis, y=numpy.abs(**2)