Source code for quantarhei.spectroscopy.absbase

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy

from ..core.frequency import FrequencyAxis
from ..core.dfunction import DFunction
from ..core.datasaveable import DataSaveable
from ..core.managers import EnergyUnitsManaged
from ..core.units import cm2int

[docs]class AbsSpectrumBase(DFunction, EnergyUnitsManaged, DataSaveable): """Provides basic container for absorption spectrum Examples -------- """ def __init__(self, axis=None, data=None): super().__init__() self.axis = axis = data
[docs] def set_axis(self, axis): """Sets axis atribute Parameters ---------- axis : FrequencyAxis object Frequency axis object. This object has managed energy units """ self.axis = axis
[docs] def set_data(self, data): """Sets data atribute Parameters ---------- data : array like object (numpy array) Sets the data of the absorption spectrum """ = data
#def add_data(self, data): # += data
[docs] def set_by_interpolation(self, x, y, xaxis="frequency"): """Sets the data by interpolation with splines When the spectrum is defined in wavelength, it is converted to an internal representation in frequency. Examples -------- >>> from quantarhei import REAL >>> from quantarhei import energy_units >>> abs = AbsSpectrumBase() >>> x = numpy.array([600.0 + 5.0*ii for ii in range(100)], dtype=REAL) >>> y = numpy.exp(-(x-800.0)**2/(50**2)) >>> abs.set_by_interpolation(x, y, xaxis="wavelength") >>> with energy_units("1/cm"): ... print("%6.3f, %6.3f" % (abs.axis.min, abs.axis.max)) 9132.420, 16591.324 """ from scipy import interpolate if xaxis == "frequency": om = self.convert_2_internal_u(x) elif xaxis == "wavelength": # convert to internal (nano meters) units of wavelength # convert to energy (internal units) # to cm om = 1.0e-7*x # to 1/cm om = 1.0/om # to 1/fs om = om*cm2int if om[1] > om[2]: # reverse order om = numpy.flip(om,0) y = numpy.flip(y,0) # equidistant points on the x-axis omin = numpy.amin(om) omax = numpy.amax(om) length = om.shape[0] step = (omax-omin)/length # new frequency axis waxis = FrequencyAxis(omin, length, step) # spline interpolation tck = interpolate.splrep(om, y, s=0) ynew = interpolate.splev(, tck, der=0) # setting the axis and data self.axis = waxis = ynew
[docs] def clear_data(self): """Sets spectrum data to zero """ shp = = numpy.zeros(shp, dtype=numpy.float64)
[docs] def normalize2(self,norm=1.0): """Normalizes spectrum to a given value """ mx = numpy.max( = norm*
[docs] def normalize(self): """Normalization to one """ self.normalize2(norm=1.0)
[docs] def subtract(self, val): """Subtracts a value from the spectrum to shift its base line """ -= val
[docs] def add_to_data(self, spect): """Performs addition on the data. Expects a compatible object holding absorption spectrum and adds its data to the present absorption spectrum. Parameters ---------- spect : spectrum containing object This object should have a compatible axis and some data Examples -------- Standard usage >>> from quantarhei import energy_units >>> abs = AbsSpectrumBase() >>> other = AbsSpectrumBase() >>> with energy_units("1/cm"): ... w = FrequencyAxis(10000.0, 1000, 5.0) ... y = numpy.exp(-(**2/(200.0**2)) >>> other.set_axis(w) >>> other.set_data(y) >>> abs.add_to_data(other) Axes have to be compatible (i.e. the same) >>> yetanother = AbsSpectrumBase() >>> yetanother.set_axis(FrequencyAxis(8000.0, 1000, 4.0)) >>> abs.add_to_data(yetanother) Traceback (most recent call last): ... Exception: Incompatible axis An empty AbsSpectrumBase can be filled by add_to_data() method Axis is taken from the class that we add >>> yetanother.set_axis(w) >>> yetanother.add_to_data(abs) >>> onemore = AbsSpectrumBase() >>> onemore.add_to_data(other) >>> numpy.testing.assert_allclose(, """ if self.axis is None: self.axis = spect.axis.copy() if not numpy.allclose(, #numpy.savetxt("spect_data_wrong.dat", #numpy.savetxt("self_data_wrong.dat", raise Exception("Incompatible axis") if is None: = numpy.zeros(len(, +=
#save method is inherited from DFunction
[docs] def save_data(self, filename): """Saves the data of this absorption spectrum """ super().save_data(filename, with_axis=self.axis)
[docs] def load_data(self, filename): """Loads data from file into this absorption spectrum """ if self.axis is None: raise Exception("The property `axis` has to be defined") super().load_data(filename, with_axis=self.axis)
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """ Plotting absorption spectrum using the DFunction plot method """ if "ylabel" not in kwargs: ylabel = r'$\alpha(\omega)$ [a.u.]' kwargs["ylabel"] = ylabel fig = super().plot(**kwargs) if fig is not None: return fig