.. _contribute-label: How to Contribute to Quantarhei =============================== To contribute to Quantarhei is relatively easy if you know something about Python programming. Quantarhei is almost completely implemented in Python and it uses standard numerical packages like `numpy`_, `scipy`_ and `pytorch`_. To really contribute, you need to use `git`_. The full list of dependencies of Quantarhei on external libraries can be found :ref:`here `. Consult the installation documentation in Section :ref:`installation-label`. Here you find information about several aspects of contributing code to Quantarhei: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 contribute/github contribute/howtocont contribute/writetests Quantarhei Enhancement Proposals -------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 qeps/qeps .. _`git`: https://git-scm.com .. _`numpy`: http://www.numpy.org .. _`scipy`: https://www.scipy.org .. _`pytorch`: https://pytorch.org