
Class representing superoperators

This class represents operators on the space of Hilbert space operators. Usually, we refer to such operators as superoperators.

Class Details

class quantarhei.qm.liouvillespace.superoperator.SuperOperator(dim=None, data=None, real=False)[source]

Class representing superoperators

  • dim (int) – Dimension of the superoperator
  • data (array) – Data of the superoperator
  • real (bool) – Is this data real? False if they are complex


Creation of an empty SuperOperator is allowed

>>> So = SuperOperator()
>>> print(So.dim is None)

But calling uninitialize data attribute raises an exception >>> print( is None) Traceback (most recent call last):

AttributeError: ‘SuperOperator’ object has no attribute ‘_data’

Creating with dim arguments creates a zero superoperator

>>> So = SuperOperator(dim=3)
>>> print(So.dim)
>>> print(
(3, 3, 3, 3)

Creating superoperator from data checks, if the data object has the correct shape

>>> data = numpy.zeros((3,3,3))
>>> So = SuperOperator(data=data)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception: The data do not represent a superoperator
>>> data = numpy.zeros((3,1,3,2))
>>> So = SuperOperator(data=data)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception: `data` has to be `square` four-dimensional matrix


apply(oper[, copy]) Applies superoperator to an operator
transform(SS[, inv]) Transforms the superoperator to a new basis
apply(oper, copy=True)[source]

Applies superoperator to an operator

Parameters:oper (Operator) – Operator on which the present superoperator is applied


>>> import quantarhei as qr
>>> import numpy
>>> op = qr.ReducedDensityMatrix(data=[[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]])

Let’s take a matrix A

>>> A = numpy.zeros((2,2))
>>> A[0,1] = 1.0
>>> A[1,0] = 1.0

and create a superoperator equivalent to matrix multiplication

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}A\rho = \sum_{i}A_{ik}\rho_{kj} = \ \sum_{kl}\delta_{jl}A_{ik}\rho_{kl} = \ \sum_{kl}D_{ijkl}\rho_{kl}\\D_{ijkl} = \delta_{jl}A_{ik}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
>>> data = numpy.zeros((2,2,2,2))
>>> for i in range(2):
...     for j in range(2):
...         for k in range(2):
...             for l in range(2):
...                 if j == l:
...                     data[i,j,k,l] = A[i,k]
...                 else:
...                     data[i,j,k,l] = 0.0
>>> Dd = SuperOperator(data=data)

Now we can check that maultiplication and application of the superoperator lead to the same result.

>>> B1 = Dd.apply(op)
>>> B2 =,
>>> numpy.allclose(, B2)

Every time you do this, new density matrix object is created. To avoid this, we can apply the operation without copying the object.

>>> B3 = Dd.apply(op, copy=False)
>>> print(B3 == op)

B3 is now a different reference to the same object as op. We can check that the result of the operation is still correct:

>>> numpy.allclose(, B2)
transform(SS, inv=None)[source]

Transforms the superoperator to a new basis

Transformation of the superoperator follows similar rules as the one of operators. An operar \(A\) is transformed as follows:

\[A_{\alpha\beta} = \sum_{ij}(s^{-1})_{\alpha i}A_{ij}s_{j\beta}\]


\[A_{ij} = \sum_{\alpha\beta} s_{i\alpha} \ A_{\alpha\beta}(s^{-1})_{\beta j}\]

The transformation matrix \(s\) is obtained by standard diagonalization routines and its elements can be expressed in Dirac notation as

\[s_{i\alpha} = \langle i | \alpha \rangle\]

The inverse matrix \(s^{-1}\) is obtained by transposition, because

\[\langle i | j \rangle = \delta_{ij} = \ \sum_{\alpha} \langle i | \alpha \rangle \ \langle \alpha | j \rangle\]

and we see that

\[(s^{-1})_{\alpha i} = s_{i \alpha}.\]

Given an operator \(A\) which is a result of an action of the superoperator \(R\) on operar \(A\) we can see that the transformation occurs as follows:

\[A_{ij} = \sum_{kl}R_{ijkl}B_{kl}\]
\[A_{\alpha\beta} = \ \sum_{ij}(s^{-1})_{\alpha i}A_{ij}s_{j\beta} = \ \sum_{ijkl} (s^{-1})_{\alpha i} s_{j\beta} R_{ijkl} B_{kl}\]

Using the back transformation of the operator \(B\) we obtaine

\[A_{\alpha\beta} = \ \sum_{ij}(s^{-1})_{\alpha i}A_{ij}s_{j\beta} = \ \sum_{\gamma\delta} \left [ \right ] B_{\gamma\delta}\]

which translates into

\[R_{\alpha\beta\gamma\delta} = \ \sum_{ijkl} s_{i \alpha} \ s_{j\beta} R_{ijkl} \ s_{k\gamma}s_{l\delta}\]
  • SS (float matrix) – Transformation matrix
  • inv (float matrix, optional) – Inverse of the transformation matrix
