
Quantarhei package (

systembathinteraction module

class quantarhei.qm.liouvillespace.systembathinteraction.SystemBathInteraction(sys_operators=None, bath_correlation_matrix=None, rates=None, drates=None, dtype='Lorentzian', osites=None, orates=None, system=None)[source]

Describes interaction of an open quantum system with its environment

Stores the system–bath interaction operator in form of a set of operators on the Hilbert space of the system and correlation functions of the operator on the bath Hilbert space.
sys_operators : list

List of the system part of the system-bath interaction Hamiltonian components

bath_correlation_matrix: CorrelationFunctionMatrix

Object of the CorrelationFunctionMatrix type holding all correlation functions needed for the description of system bath interaction

rates : list/tuple

List or tuple of rates. The total number of rates has to be the same as the number of operators in the sys_operator list

drates : array

An array of dephasing rates. The dimension of the array must correspond to the dimension of the treated system.

dtype : str

Type of the dehasing defined in drates. The types are “Lorentzian” which is default, and correponds to a dephasing rate equation with the term -gamma

ho_{ab} on the right hand side. The dephasing

is exponential. The type “Gaussian” results in a Gaussian dephasing and corresponds to the term -gamma t

ho_{ab} on the right hand

side of the rate equation.

osites : list, array

List or array of site indices on which the oscillators reside. The indices can repeat, indicating several modes on a single site.

orates : array

Oscillator decay rates. This rates corresponds to the dephasing rate of the oscillations in a harmonic oscillator

system : {Molecule, Aggregate}

Molecule or Aggregate object in which the system–bath interaction is specified


copy() Returns a shallow copy of the self
deepcopy() Returns a deep copy of the self
get_coft(n, m) Returns bath correlation function corresponding to sites n and m
get_coft_elsig(n_sig, m_sig) Returns bath correlation based on electronic signatures
get_reorganization_energy(i[, j]) Returns reorganization energy associated with a given site
get_sbitype() Returns the type of SystemBathInteraction
get_temperature() Returns temperature associated with the bath
has_temperature() Checkst if the Aggregate has a defined temperature
load(filename[, test]) Loads an object from a file and returns it
loaddir(dirname) Returns a directory of objects saved into a directory
save(filename[, comment, test]) Saves the object with all its content into a file
savedir(dirname[, tag, comment, test]) Saves an object into directory containing a file with unique name
scopy() Creates a copy of the object by saving and loading it
set_system(system) Sets the system attribute
get_coft(n, m)[source]

Returns bath correlation function corresponding to sites n and m

get_coft_elsig(n_sig, m_sig)[source]

Returns bath correlation based on electronic signatures

get_reorganization_energy(i, j=None)[source]

Returns reorganization energy associated with a given site

If one index i is specified, the function returns reorganization energy associated with i-th site. If two indices are specified, the function returns crosscorrelation function (when i not equal j) or a correlation function of the site (when i = j)


Returns the type of SystemBathInteraction

Options are Lindblad_Form, Vibrational_Lindblad_Form and Linear_Coupling


Returns temperature associated with the bath


Checkst if the Aggregate has a defined temperature


Sets the system attribute