How to Write Tests for Quantarhei

Every contribution to Quantarhei has to come with appropriate tests. Because of Quantarhei’s development history, less than a half of current code is subject to testing at every build. This will change in near future.

Running Tests

To run the tests on Quantarhei current installation, just invoke the paver command (paver package is listed as one of the testing dependencies):

$ paver

Equivalently, you can use the predefined task test the Makefile as:

$ make test

To run the same tests, but with the output of the scipts printed on the screen (normally such output is camptured and only the information about tests is printed), you can run:

$ paver verbose

This runs the same set of tests, except for the capturing option removed.

Sometimes you want to make sure that tests are run against your latest code (it is assumed here that tests run against the installed copy of Quantarhei). For this purpose we have a Makefile task local_tests, which rebuilds and reinstalls Quantarhei, before running tests:

$ make local_tests

Appart from these predefined tests, you can also run other versions of the tests or just partial tests, e.g. on the files that you develop. Consult the file in the root directory of Quantarhei package.

Writting Doc Tests

Writting Unit Tests

Writting Acceptance Tests